
04 September 2024

Arearea vince il bando PR FESR 2021-2027

We are thrilled to share that Arearea, with the AREAREA DANCE LIBRARY project, has ranked first in the D6.1.1 call for proposals within PR FESR 2021-2027, aimed at the regeneration and reactivation of public and private cultural spaces.

This prestigious regional recognition, part of a European cultural funding plan, will allow us to give new impetus to our mission: to promote contemporary dance as an art form accessible to everyone.

AREAREA DANCE LIBRARY will be a physical and virtual library dedicated to dance, developing cultural activities for arts education and training in reading performative events, with a clear intent tocontribute to the accessibility of the arts and to foster a sense of community and cultural heritage in which it is immersed.

With a focus on dance, participation, and beauty, we will pay particular attention to youth engagement and the removal of physical, cultural, and ideological barriers that hinder the enjoyment of culture as a collective asset and a tool for social well-being.

A big thank you to our public and private partners who will support us in this new vision.