AreaDanza 2024

Urban Dance Festival 
#15 edition

The gaze of dance

The fifteenth edition of our urban dance festival stands out for site-specific projects, for the hospitality of emerging and established companies, for opportunities for dialogue on dance and its networks, for community projects and tourism under the sign of choreographic art.
AreaDance is one of the fun forms in which Arearea expresses its ability and passion to inhabit unconventional spaces and to bring dance even to those places, and to those people, who believe that it is an exclusive language. For us, dance is everywhere, and everybody feeds into its contemporary grammar. The Company brings to the festival two research projects in which it is the protagonist: Creative, Local, Dance!, an itinerant path of performances and multimedia storytelling among the Historic Venues and the best craft shops in Venzone and Udine, and Dance Machine, a platform for improvisations and reflections on dance delving deep with partners from national and local networks to discuss new coordinates of a constantly evolving language.

June 23rd Venzone 2024

July 1st—5th Udine 2024

Udine July 6th, 2024


With the contribution of: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, MiC, Comune di Udine, Udinestate 2024
With the support of: Banca di Udine Credito Cooperativo
In collaboration with: Udine Chiavi in Mano, Civica Accademia d’Arte Drammatica Nico Pepe, Associazione Circolo Zoo APS, Università degli Studi di Udine
Partner: Rete Intersezioni, Rete Giacimenti, ADEB, Cas’Aupa, Osteria Alla Ghiacciaia, Pro Loco Pro Venzone


Artistic Direction: Marta Bevilacqua, Roberto Cocconi
Company Organization: Giulia Birriolo
Technical Direction: Stefano Bragagnolo
Service: Music Team
Logistics Manager: Marta Savorgnan
Logistics Assistants: Giovanni Basalisco, Lisa Colautti, Lucrezia Deponte, Alessia Vaccher
Box Office: Esther Candotto
Graphic Design: Cecilia Cappelli
Press Office: Eleonora Cuberli
Social Media Manager: Alessandra Conte
Video: Stefano Bergomas
Photography: Alessandro Rizzi

Past editions