Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 10.00
Udine, Piazza Antonio Belloni
Creative, Local, Dance! Performance #1
Dancers: Marta Bevilacqua, Valentina Saggin
Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 10.00
Udine, Piazza Antonio Belloni
Creative, Local, Dance! Performance #1
Dancers: Marta Bevilacqua, Valentina Saggin
Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 10.15
Udine, Vicolo del Portello
Creative, Local, Dance! Performance #2
Dancers: Karin Candido, Luca Di Giusto, Irene Ferrara, Angelica Margherita, Andrea Rizzo, Anna Savanelli
Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 10.30
Udine, Via Erasmo Valvason
Creative, Local, Dance! Performance #3
Dancers: Marta Bevilacqua, Margherita Costantini, Gioia Martinelli, Valentina Saggin
Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 10.45
Udine, Piazza Guglielmo Marconi
Creative, Local, Dance! Performance #4
Dancers: Roberto Cocconi, Luca Di Giusto, Marco Pericoli, Andrea Rizzo, Luca Zampar
Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 11.00
Udine, Via Molin Nascosto
Creative, Local, Dance! Performance #5
Dancers: Marta Bevilacqua, Karin Candido, Roberto Cocconi, Luca Di Giusto, Irene Ferrara, Angelica Margherita, Marco Pericoli, Andrea Rizzo, Valentina Saggin, Anna Savanelli, Luca Zampar
Within the programming of AreaDanza, there’s a new and special urban project curated by Arearea: Creative, Local, Dance!, stemming from the creative and performative re-elaboration of the encounter between the Company and the Historical Venues of Udine and Venzone.
From the comparison of the practices and biographies of each participating venue in the project, small urban performances emerge that wind along the streets of city centers. The synergy between dance and craftsmanship becomes a source of inspiration for the artists, communicative innovation for the artisans, and an extravagant tourist opportunity for the involved municipalities.
Creative, Local, Dance! aims to attract interest and bring the public closer to performing arts as a practice of narrating urban and civic places and to the historical-productive richness of local companies.
How one can narrate a long-standing and artisanal profession becomes the beating heart of our project, with a view to enhancing the cultural and artistic value of the spaces in the city center.
The complete itinerary will proceed along the following route:
Loggia del Lionello/Piazza Antonio Belloni (ore 10:00)
Piazza Matteotti — Vicolo del Portello (ore 10:15)
Via Zanon — Via Erasmo Valvason (ore 10:30)
Vicolo Pulesi
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi (ore 10:45)
Riva Bartolini
Via Molin Nascosto (ore 11:00)
Vicolo della Banca
Ogni performance ha una durata di 5 minuti.
Ingresso gratuito.
Creative, Local, Dance! è un progetto finanziato dalla Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, nell’ambito di Iniziative progettuali relative ad attività culturali che favoriscano l’incontro del mondo produttivo con la creatività