Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 20.30
Udine, Loggia del Lionello
Le Tango des malfaiteurs
→ Followed by (9:30 PM) Public Milonga organized by Associazione Circolo Zoo APS
Saturday 06 July, 2024 - 20.30
Udine, Loggia del Lionello
Le Tango des malfaiteurs
→ Followed by (9:30 PM) Public Milonga organized by Associazione Circolo Zoo APS
Le tango des malfaiteurs is an ironic and witty show about the human complications of relationships and love. Five characters meet in a place/non-place, a realistic metaphor of different humanity in transit: the young adventurer, the seducer, the femme fatale, the immature young woman, the ugly one… human types through which one builds on the stage, step by step, a loving experience made of glances, escapes and chases. He loves her… but she loves another… and so in a whirlwind of different emotions the alphabet of a lively, vigorous and expressive dance theatre, merges with the language of Argentine tango, becoming a synthesis and mimesis of the complications and contradictions of Love.
→ Followed by (9:30 PM) Public Milonga organized by Associazione Circolo Zoo APS
Luciano Padovani
Umberto Gesi, Elisa Mucchi, Roberta Piazza, Loredana De Brasi, Walter Suquia
Light designer:
Thomas Heuger
Chiara Defant
Naturalis Labor Company
With the collaboration of:
Circuito Sicilia Danza / Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara (Tn)
With the support of:
Ministry of Culture / Veneto Region / Municipality of Vicenza
Duration: 50 minutes