Dates /


wheels of border (short)


Saturday 27 May, 2017 - 16.00

Musei del Castello di Udine

On the looms of the early Twentieth Century, chased by live music inspired by futurism, Arearea celebrates the dynamism that brought the entire world straight to war. Celebration, patriotism and glory hit millions of human beings. In that din, six dancers of Arearea strive for affirmation of life, beauty of meeting the other, peace.


Elementi di scena e cicloscenografia:
Belinda De Vito

Biciclette d’epoca:
Davide Portinari

Ente Regionale Teatrale del FVG in collaborazione con a.Artisti Associati

Evento in collaborazione con:
Assessorato alla Cultura Comune di Udine, Civici Musei di Udine