Shows /

Le Quattro Stagioni_from Winter to Spring

Marta Bevilacqua / Compagnia Arearea

From Winter to Spring is a concert of bodies about the essential lines of life. The Earth, seen from the small area of the stage, is observed in the timeframe that from winter leads us to spring.
That is the most delicate moment of creation, restart, and continuity of the world.
The small community on stage, torn by emptiness and inner cold, moves closer together looking for the lost heat. A white figure grants and removes from them items of sense, sweeps them here and there like snow, like a storm.
The group chases itself and seamlessly takes shelter.
The motion is swirling and can create unusual compositions.
But if on the surface winter looks pitiless, in the subsoil it is a living and energetic force, a force that resists, that struggles to be reborn. Like an authentic love.
The result of that fight guarantees the spring to be surprising.
And with this great metaphor, the voice of water and the primordial sound of creation regenerates between them an erotic and imaginative dance where music is king.


Marta Bevilacqua

Assistenti alla Coreografia:
Valentina Saggin

Marta Bevilacqua, Luca Campanella, Angelica Margherita, Daniele Palmeri, Marco Pericoli, Andrea Rizzo, Valentina Saggin, Anna Savanelli, Carolina Alessandra Valentini

Antonio Vivaldi, Max Richter

Daniela Bestetti

Marianna Fernetich

Compagnia Arearea 2018

Con il sostegno di: MiC

Durata: 60 min