Shows /

Panta rei

for an urban phylosophy
Marta Bevilacqua / Compagnia Arearea

Panta rei, in Greek “everything flows,” is Heraclitus’ famous and controversial aphorism which expresses the inner core of the doctrine of “becoming.”

Let’s start from here, from this simple and profound inspiration, to continue our search for union between philosophy, dance and urban space.

Panta Rei is the first step of a project that intends to put philosophers and their ideas in the space and time of art. It is our task to find suitable environments for a concrete and performative realization of philosophical thinking.

For Heraclitus, then, a river. His thought on relentlessly flowing waters.

It is not possible to step twice into the same river or to come into contact twice with a mortal being in the same state, but by its swiftness and speed of change it comes together and separates, approaches and departs.

Watch the trailer


Ideazione e Coreografia:
Marta Bevilacqua

Marta Bevilacqua e Valentina Saggin

Ryoji Ikeda, Alva Noto, Andrea Belfi

Elementi di scena:
Compagnia Arearea

Federica Giuliano

Consorzio “La Venaria Reale”, Compagnia Arearea 2012

Con il sostegno di:
IN SITU, nel quadro del progetto META 2011-2016, finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione Europea (DG EAC – programma Cultura)

Alessandro Rizzi

Durata:25-30 min