Shows /

The Reverse

Marta Bevilacqua / Compagnia Arearea

The Reverse is both an action and a situation. It is an event that changes perspective, an unexpected move that shifts the dynamics of the present.
My new project faces, once again, the dear theme of the double.

In The Reverse the double moves away from the psychological and introspective environment to look at the fortunes of contemporary culture and social coexistence.

Hoping to defy gravity, The Reverse hops and looks around guided by a great classic of the culture of peace, of hope, of respect for existential complexity: Dark Side of the Moon, conceived in 1973 by the mythical British group Pink Floyd. The Four artists measure themselves with words that today seem empty: power, freedom, temperance (among others).

In the commodification of art languages, in the homologation of cultural trends, in the submission of beauty, now a prerogative of slogan truths, The Reverse stands out in my artistic research for its light touch of self-mockery and for the centralisation of topics that even today, with an increasingly fierce sense of the underlining, fuel the daily struggle against superficiality: one that disguises itself in everything or that screams one day and then falls asleep among the glittering mediocrities of global communication. But what are we going to reverse? Are we still capable of it? Can we ever reverse the trend?

Watch the trailer


Marta Bevilacqua

Assistente alla coreografia:
Valentina Saggin

Alejandro Bonn, Angelica Margherita, Gioia Martinelli, Carolina Alessandra Valentini

Dark Side of The Moon – Pink Floyd

Light designer:
Daniela Bestetti

Video e followspot operator:
Stefano Bragagnolo

Sovratitoli tratti da:
Il Diritto e il Rovescio di Albert Camus

Compagnia Arearea 2019

HangartFest – Pesaro 2019

Dialoghi Residenza delle arti performative a Villa Manin Css Teatro Stabile d’Innovazione Udine.

Con il sostegno di:

Benedetta Folena, Camilla De Filippis