Saturday 02 September, 2017 - 16.00
H 16:00 Pontebba, Piazza del Municipio
Shows /
Saturday 02 September, 2017 - 16.00
H 16:00 Pontebba, Piazza del Municipio
Sunday 27 August, 2017 - 16.00
H 16.00 SALZBURG (au)
Saturday 03 June, 2017 - 17.30
H 17.30 Grado (anteprima del progetto)
Interaction among individuals creates a society, generating thus culture which in turn affects the life of people. Society lives for the individual who lives for society. Society and culture together enable the realization of individuals and the interaction among them allows the perpetuation of culture and self-organization of society.
Two people, who interact within the fixed limits of their existence, give birth to a society expressing a culture that, in turn, is an outward manifestation of their condition of life.
A plastic cube represents the binding limit of a short span of life; two men shut inside interact to acquire a knowledge coherent to their way of behaving, of seeing things, of understanding and learning.
Everybody is necessary to each other, everybody fulfills himself thanks to the other. Space gets rapidly insufficient nevertheless, and the horizon is only the projection of what is moving outside but seems impossible to reach.
The captivity of the individual, the captivity of the reason generates a limited culture bound to self-emulation. The two men in the cube, in fact, produce a limited vocabulary that confines them to a cyclic condition where a state of meditative calm is followed by periods of mental agitation and mixed anxiety-depression moments with maniac peaks.
Roberto Cocconi, Luca Zampar
Roberto Cocconi, Luca Zampar, Daniele Palmeri, Andrea Rizzo
Daniele D’agaro
Compagnia Arearea 2008
Con il sostegno di:
Ministero per i Beni e le AttivitĂ Culturali – Dipartimento dello Spettacolo, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Provincia di Udine
Alessandro Rizzi
Durata:25 minuti